Customize Post Info Section in the Genesis Framework's Child Theme Essence Pro's Entry Header

How To Customize Post Info Section in the Genesis Framework’s Child Theme Essence Pro’s Entry Header

The Genesis Framework is a powerful and flexible WordPress theme framework that empowers developers and website owners to build feature-rich, high-quality, and secure websites. As one of the most popular theme frameworks available, Genesis provides a strong foundation for creating custom themes that are fast, SEO-friendly, and easy to update.

One of the key components of modern websites is the Entry Header section, which typically includes essential information about the content on the page. In this blog post, we will explore what the Entry Header section means in modern websites and provide a detailed guide on customizing the Post Info section in the Genesis Framework Child Theme Essence Pro’s Entry Header.

The Entry Header Section in Modern Websites

In the context of modern websites, the Entry Header section refers to the area at the top of a web page or post, which usually contains important details about the content. This includes the post title, author, publication date, and other relevant information. The Entry Header helps users quickly grasp the main idea of the content and provides useful context. By customizing this section, you can enhance user experience, improve readability, and create a more consistent design across your website.

Customizing Post Info in Essence Pro’s Entry Header

To customize the Post Info section in the Essence Pro child theme’s Entry Header, we will need to modify the functions.php file of the child theme. The following code snippet includes a detailed explanation of each variable, function, and overall functionality of the custom code:

// Step 1: Customize Post Info for Essence Pro Child Theme in Genesis Framework

// Use 'genesis_post_info' filter hook to modify the post info output

add_filter( 'genesis_post_info', 'essence_pro_custom_post_info' );

function essence_pro_custom_post_info( $post_info ) {

    // Customize the post info according to your needs

    // - '[post_date before="Published on: "]' displays the post date with "Published on:" before it

    // - '[post_author before="Written by: "]' displays the post author with "Written by:" before it

    // - '[post_comments before="Comments: "]' displays the comments count with "Comments:" before it

    // - '[post_edit before=" | " after=""]' displays the edit link with " | " before it

    // Feel free to modify these according to your requirements

    $post_info = '[post_date before="Published on: "] | [post_author before="Written by: "] | [post_comments before="Comments: "] [post_edit before=" | " after=""]';

    // Return the customized post info to be output

    return $post_info;


// Step 2: Modify Post Info output in the Entry Header

// Use 'genesis_entry_header' action hook to move and display the customized post info

add_action( 'genesis_entry_header', 'essence_pro_move_post_info', 5 );

function essence_pro_move_post_info() {

    // Remove default post info from the entry header

    // 'genesis_post_info' is the default Genesis function that outputs the post info

    // '12' is the default priority of the action hook, which determines its position in the entry header

    remove_action( 'genesis_entry_header', 'genesis_post_info', 12 );

    // Add customized post info back to the entry header

    // 'genesis_post_info' is the same Genesis function used to output the post info

    // '9' is the new priority for the action hook, which determines its updated position in the entry header

    // By changing the priority, you can control where the post info is displayed in the entry header

    add_action( 'genesis_entry_header', 'genesis_post_info', 9 );


In the essence_pro_custom_post_info function, the $post_info the variable has been modified to include the “Published on:”, “Written by:”, and “Comments:” labels before their respective values. You can further customize the post info output by changing the text inside the single quotes.

The essence_pro_move_post_info the function removes the default post info from the entry header and adds the customized post info back to the entry header.

Save the changes, and the post info in the Essence Pro child theme’s entry header will be customized according to the code provided.

Understanding the Custom Code for Post Info Customization in Essence Pro’s Entry Header

In this section, we will delve deeper into the custom code provided earlier and discuss the role of each variable, function, and overall functionality of the code.

Variables and Functions

  1. $post_info: This variable represents the post info content that will be displayed in the Entry Header. The customizations we make to this variable determine how the post info will appear on the website.
  2. essence_pro_custom_post_info(): This custom function is responsible for modifying the default post info content. It takes the $post_info variable as an argument and returns the customized post info content.
  3. add_filter(): This function is a WordPress hook that allows us to modify the default behavior or content of specific elements in the theme. In our case, we use the genesis_post_info filter to modify the post info content by passing our custom function essence_pro_custom_post_info() as an argument.
  4. add_action(): This function is another WordPress hook that allows us to add or modify actions in the theme. We use the genesis_entry_header action hook to move and display the customized post info in the Entry Header by passing our custom function essence_pro_move_post_info() as an argument.
  5. remove_action(): This function is used to remove an action or function from a specific hook. In our case, we use it to remove the default genesis_post_info function from the genesis_entry_header hook, making space for our customized post info content.
  6. essence_pro_move_post_info(): This custom function is responsible for removing the default post info and adding the customized post info back to the Entry Header. It uses the remove_action() and add_action() functions to achieve this.

Overall Functionality of the Code

The custom code provided in this blog post consists of two main steps:

  1. Customizing the Post Info: The essence_pro_custom_post_info() the function modifies the default post info content by adding custom labels such as “Published on:”, “Written by:”, and “Comments:” before their respective values. The $post_info variable stores the customized content, which is then returned by the function.
  2. Modifying the Entry Header: The essence_pro_move_post_info() function removes the default post info from the Entry Header using the remove_action() function. It then adds the customized post info back to the Entry Header using the add_action() function, specifying a new priority to control its position within the Entry Header.

By implementing this custom code in the functions.php file of your Essence Pro child theme, you can easily customize the Post Info section in the Entry Header according to your specific needs and preferences, enhancing the user experience and overall design of your website.

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